Rainbow Construction

4 Ways to Keep Your Home in Tip-Top Shape This Summer

Life gets busy, and many times, we forget to take care of tasks around the house that are vital to the longevity of our homes and even sometimes, our safety!

Check out our list of items to take care of while the school year is over & summer has finally arrived!

Clean Dryer Vents and Washer Hoses
When doing laundry, most people know to clean out their lint trap in the dryer to help clothes dry more efficiently. What many people forget is to ensure they’re cleaning any lint or debris from their dryer vent and washer hose. A clogged hose could result in your washing machine backing up. A clogged dryer vent could result in a fire in your home. Every summer, make it a point to remove lint and save yourself in the long-run! 

Clean Gutters from Winter Leaves and Debris
After a long fall and winter, and even blooms falling off of trees in the spring, it’s a great idea to clean out your gutters in the summer to help accommodate heavy rains from summer thunderstorms. 

Remove Hair from Bathtub and Sink Drains
Take the time this summer to remove any hair from bathtub and bathroom sink drains, especially if you’ve noticed that your sink and tub have been having trouble draining.

Pressure Wash Your Home’s Exterior and Sidewalk
Take advantage of the warmer weather and pressure wash the algae and dirt from your home’s exterior. You might even be surprised at how nice and refreshed your home looks! 

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