Rainbow Construction

Reinvigorate Your Home by Remodeling Your Entrance

Front exterior

A remodel of your home’s front entrance can revamp the look of the entire structure.

They say first impressions are important, so why not apply that statement to the entrance of your home? We spend so much time working on the interior of our homes that we may fail to neglect our exterior. Let’s face it, not everyone is going to grace the inside your home so it’s important to make your entrance pop, allowing those who pass to burn with envy at your warm, inviting entry-way. If your home’s entry is earnest and welcoming, then the mood is set for visitors prior to your greeting them at the front door.  Effect your home’s initial impact to others by small or large changes to its front entry and add curb appeal to any home.

Knowing Where to Start

To begin your project, determine if the changes needed are minor, such as paint and trim. You can spruce up the front of your home by painting the door and trim a complimentary color.  Check the roof shingles or your stone facing to determine a color that might be suitable. After selecting the prominent color, then select two complimentary colors for trim and accents. Perhaps the change could be a new front door.  Feature a door that has stained glass or etched glass. Add side lights or a decorative window over the door or change to a double door of wood or fiber glass to add a quality look. Shutters at the door and windows could give the touch you are looking for, painted in a complimentary color to the siding and door.

Lighting Up the Way

Lighting can be a simple, yet very impactful. A soft glow or a bright glare can make all the difference in ambience. Your home may be beautiful in the daylight, but is it dark and uninviting at night? Consider sconces or spot lights directed toward your home or pendants hanging above your front door.   Architectural lighting can enhance your home making it as beautiful at night as in the day and provide safety for visitors.  If you have architectural elements that are interesting, accent lighting can provide a dramatic touch that sets your home apart from the rest.

Create Your Dream Home with Rainbow Construction

Whether you are seeking the dream kitchen you have always wanted or the dream home you have always pined for, Rainbow Construction is here to help. With over 53 years of experience and a fantastic reputation, Rainbow Construction can make your dreams a reality. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, professional expert workers, and competitive rates. To learn more about our custom home building, visit us online or give us a call at (301) 843-1018. To learn more about our services and who we are, follow us on HouzzPinterestFacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

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