Rainbow Construction

What’s the Best Time of Year for Home Additions?

What’s the Best Time of Year for Home Additions?

The reasons why summer is one of the best times of year to complete your new home additions!

At Rainbow Construction, we love completing home additions every month of the year, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have a favorite—summer! Summertime is one of the best times of year to complete your home addition, and here are some of the many reasons why!

The Weather is Agreeable

Summer is warm and sunny, which makes it a good time to open up your home to construction. While rain can remain an issue, it will not be nearly as worrisome as it would be during the rainy spring months. Warm weather is also good for completing many of the projects that will need to be done as part of the home addition, like pouring concrete and laying bricks. You may pay a premium for some materials, as they are more in demand during the summer months, but the weather is the best that it will be throughout the year!

Your Schedule is Open

Summer schedules are typically the most flexible, so they are perfect for working with and around a home addition. If your children are going to be home during the summer, they can enjoy the outside of your home or go to daycamp instead of hanging around the house. If there are last-minute changes that need to be made, your schedule will be more malleable and able to adjust to the needs of your contractor and your home.

It Needs to Get Done

Last but not least, some projects just have to be done in the summer months, when the temperature is right and you can throw open the windows to ventilate. Things like house painting can’t be done during other periods of the year when there is high humidity and gross weather, so don’t put off your home addition for the future.

Create Your Dream Home with Rainbow Construction

Whether you are seeking the dream kitchen you have always wanted or the dream home you have always pined for, Rainbow Construction is here to help. With over 53 years of experience and a fantastic reputation, Rainbow Construction can make your dreams a reality. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, professional expert workers, and competitive rates. To learn more about our custom home building, visit us online or give us a call at (301) 843-1018. To learn more about our services and who we are, follow us on Houzz, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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