Thinking of growing your family? A residential custom home is exactly what you need to expand.
In previous weeks, we went through a series of solid reasons that a residential custom home is always a great investment for you and your family. The uniqueness and personalization of each construction to match the homeowner’s personal vision and needs is always a major asset. But, the true value of a residential custom home isn’t necessarily just form over function. Sometimes, as in the case of a growing family, the customized options serve genuine purposes to make the home even more comfortable and productive. Here, we will look at a few of those examples.
Additional Bedrooms
Although this particular project can, at first, seem like the least cost-efficient option, asking your builder for an additional bedroom or two is one of the most popular customizations a structure can have. If a design that you’ve been working on for your residential custom home perfectly fits the size of your family in a given moment, take a minute to pause and consider if those space needs will still be met in five or ten years. Unless you plan on moving (and if you’re opting for a custom home, it’s safe to assume that you’re hoping to be there for a while), you may run the risk of outgrowing the very house that you helped design. Think in terms of longevity: an additional bedroom now can function as an office or as storage, but will be there in the future when you need it as your family number increases.
Additional Bathrooms
Slightly lower on the cost scale – but just as beneficial – is the option for an additional bathroom or two. Because a bathroom is smaller in size, its additional may be a tad easier to make into your residential custom home’s plans, and is also ideal in the case of a growing family. Sharing a bathroom is always an option, but with more children – or with children that will be teenagers and young adults quicker than you think – the privacy and convenience of another family bathroom now avoids stress and compromise in the future.
Create Your Dream Home with Rainbow Construction
Whether you are seeking the dream kitchen you have always wanted or the dream home you’ve always pined for, Rainbow Construction is here to help. With over 53 years of experience and a fantastic reputation, Rainbow Construction can make your dreams a reality. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, professional expert workers, and competitive rates. To learn more about our custom home building, visit us online or give us a call at (301) 843-1018. To learn more about our services and who we are, follow us on Houzz, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.